Liftouts and Boutique Acquisitions
The route of hiring a lot of new people and then training them for years while hoping to build a 3-year and 5-year track record from scratch to become a global blockbuster is highly improbable – and takes too long.
We pioneered executive search 49 years ago and in 1993 the firm morphed into a liftout specialist, for investment and distribution/HNW teams. As such, our sole focus for the last two and a half decades has been on team liftouts and small acquisitions in the investment management industry.
Robert Warren pioneered the liftout business in the early nineties and Institutional Investor Magazine ten years later labeled him the “liftout king”. Daniel Enskat has written a dozen books on the asset management industry and leads our proprietary quantitative and qualitative research efforts. The combination of data and research along with our network is key to each assignment.
Moving a group of people to a new firm is NOT a liftout, a concept often misunderstood in the industry. We define a liftout as bringing you a top decile team along with an immediately marketable track record and portable institutional assets. A liftout is profitable immediately and acts a pied piper for other asset classes and products, hiring multiple individuals is not. The teams we bring are never looking in the marketplace, as they are top performers and in most cases have worked together for over a decade.

From our AI blog..
Team Liftouts for Big Data and AI in Investment Management – Opportunities and Challenges
As with investment management and distribution, liftouts are a preferred route to get an experienced AI/ML team that works well together to hit the road running – no matter whether it’s an investment product with a track record, a distribution/sales team or a group of data, machine learning or AI scientists.
"A liftout is a complex process which requires us to work with, consult and at times guide your legal, operational, compliance and HR staff to ensure a smooth process and successful business from day one."
Robert Warren