DARPA Turns 60: Disruptive Technologies, Inventions, and AI

Following its “Sputnik” moment, President Eisenhower created the (Defense) Advanced Ressearch Projects Agency (DARPA) in February 1958. In partnership with academia, industry and government agencies, the guiding principle from the beginning was to work on R&D projects to expand the frontiers of technology and science. The 140-page summary of DARPA over six decades includes fascinating …

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DARPA’s $2B Next AI – KAIROS – and AIE Campaigns to Generate Actionable Understanding of Real-World Phenomena

DARPA wants to create KAIROS, a program to develop a schema-based AI capability to enhance reasoning about complex world events and generate actionable insights. KAIROS stands for Knowledge-Directed Artificial Intelligence Reasoning Over Schemas. KAIROS seeks to create a schema-based AI capability to enable contextual and temporal reasoning about complex real-world events in order to generate actionable …

DARPA’s $2B Next AI – KAIROS – and AIE Campaigns to Generate Actionable Understanding of Real-World Phenomena Read More »

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